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Monday 14 to Sunday 20 February 1916

Monday 14 to Sunday 20 February 1916


Monday 14 to Sunday 20 February 1916

Pat’s return home was a source of immense joy to the Armstrong family. Even Captain Armstrong, anxious to see his son, made the long journey from Moyaliffe to Folkestone to be part of the happy reunion. In the midst of all the partying Pat made a journey of his own, albeit a bittersweet one, to Badminton House, the home of his former sweetheart Blanche Somerset. Although the couple had parted on bad terms and Pat had sworn never to lay eyes on Blanche again, he must have felt the need for mending the bridges and retaining if not Blanche’s affections then at least her friendship. He was joined on the trip by his sister Ione who understood his situation perhaps better than anybody else owing to her own troubled relationship with Harry Tufton.

Monday 14 February

Muz, Ione Pat & I went up to London. Ames – Pat’s servant – came to stay, he has been invalided back from Gallipoli.

Wednesday 16 February

Tom stayed in bed all day with a cold. Zooie & Mrs Pak went to tea with Kitty. Pat & Ione went down to Badminton to stay for the night. Muz & I shopped all day, & came down here by the seven train. We sat & talked to Zooie & Mrs Pak, & then went to bed at about 11-30. Tom’s birthday.

captain_cameoLetter from Captain Marcus Beresford Armstrong, Moyaliffe, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, to Pat Armstrong

Letter from Poppy

Letter from Poppy

My dear Maurice.

I am pleased to hear you are back again. Is it your hand that is making you seedy? If you are not able to come over I’ll go to see you for a couple of days if possible. The men on the line here are going to strike today or tomorrow so I may not be able to travel but the messenger going into Thurles tomorrow will bring me back news – no answer to the wire I sent you this morning perhaps you are away – If you are able to come over we could have a couple of days at the snipes. It is freezing very hard this evening – wire me when you get time & tell me your plans as I can only get away for a couple of days tell me when you are certain to be at Folkestone.

Best of good luck to you.

Your loving Sir.

Captain Maurice Beresford Armstrong

Captain Maurice Beresford Armstrong

Thursday 17 February

Kitty came round, & we went for a walk. Muz, Zooie & Mrs Pak went & had a Turkish bath, & Mrs Adams came in & Kitty too, to say good bye to them. Mr Ross wired to say that General de Lisle had given him the A.D.C.1 job,that we had asked for, for him. Helped Zooie & Mrs Pak to pack their things, & went to bed at about 12-30. Pat & Ione leave Badminton, Pat hunted today & Ione drove about with Di, & left by a late train.

Friday 18 February

Helped Zooie & Mrs Pak to pack, & they went away by the eleven train. Muz & I went up to see them off, Tom had a cold. Pat & Ione are in London today. They wired that they had met Poppy, so stayed the night in the hotel with him, instead of going to the Harters.

The Harter family

The Harter family

Saturday 19 February

Mr Arnoldi came round & he & I went down the town & shopped. He came back again for tea. Poppy, Pat & Ione arrived from London at about 5-30. The first time Poppy has seen the house. Heppie went to the club, for me, & we all went to the dance, but Poppy wouldn’t come. Pat & Ione had great fun away. We talked for a bit when we got back, & went to bed at about two.

Sunday 20 February

Muz, Pat, & I went to early service. Afterwards we all went out on the front. Mme de Marotte, Mrs Moorhouse & Kitty came for tea & Mary & Florence & Mrs Adams, Muz, Kitty & I went to church, & they all stayed for supper, & we talked in the drawing room afterwards. Went to bed at about twelve. Mr Sutton stayed for dinner too.


  1. Aide de Camp

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